Monday, December 23, 2013

On my little sisters birthday

Many years ago on this day in that last year of that overrated decade known as the 80s a women was born. There was no killer storm that day, but she was early and her mother begged the doctor that she wasn't ready to give birth, she had shit to do like play every single religious service in town and make killer lefsa for her kids. But that baby needed to get yanked out now. So on that day a young boy of five who lived in tighty whities and watched ghostbusters every single day came down stairs to find that his best friends mom was there and that a baby was a coming . He was excited. He wanted a baby sibling and he wanted a boy. He knew his older sister had wanted a girl. But the little boy wanted a brother and wanted to name it Winston after Winston Zedmore from Ghostbusters. The little boys dad called finally. Was it a boy? Was it a girl? Was it a mango? It was....a baby girl. The little boy angry and pissed ran to his room and hid in his closet. He knew he was screwed, he was outnumbered now. His big sister had an Allie and he was alone. His friends mom tried to comfort him. Finally his moms friends picked him and his sister up and they headed to the next county over to see his mom and his new baby sister. They stopped at a store. The little boy who loved ghostbusters was disappointed but loved babies. I mean he wasn't hitler. So he said the baby should get a present and picked out a sheep or was it a horse? It was a sheep. They went to the hospital and he saw his new sister. He wasnt mad anymore. If anything he was actually happy. I mean who hates babies? After seeing his mom, the little boy went home and watched that night the premiere of a new cartoon called the Simpsons. It was funny and silly and he knew his mom wouldn't allow him to watch it but that was okay. The next day the little boy went back to the hospital with his sister and dad. The baby hadn't opened her eyes and the little boy wondered if she even had eyes. The little boys mom tried to get the baby  to open her eyes. The baby opened her eyes and standing right in front if her was the little boy. The little baby saw the little boy and immdietly closed her eyes. The question was who was scarred more , the little baby or the boy? But the pair grew up and the little boy got older and tried to look out for his little sister the best way he could, by either punching bullies or threatening potential boyfriends by promising to murder their family if anything happened to her. It was unsaid that armaggadon would be unleashed by the little boy who had become a man and his brother.But luckily that never happened yet. But the little baby became a women who was rather cool and quite bright. And any young gentlemen caller would be lucky to have her and any person would be happier to have her as a friend. So on this day I wish the little baby who has become a kickass chick happy birthday

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