Sunday, January 12, 2014

Iam 30 ....fuck

Thank you to all for the birthday wishes on my 30th birthday( I know that's fucked to contemplate for Theresa Chedoen and Dahti Blanchard). Am I over the hill? Most likely but to quote Sam Jackson my plans are simply this: I will continue to kickass, I will stick it too the man, I will please all the ladies via the rocket in my pocket, I will let all the suckers know who's the man, I will kick  more ass,cradle a babe in the burnt out ruins  of a church, let a dove go from a ghetto rooftop, fight Ivan Drago in Moscow on Christmas Day, find the Ark of the covenant with Danielle Da Gia before the Nazis do,save an orphanage by teaming up with my brother who just got out of jail to put on a blues show, start an underground male aggression group with Taylor Crowell and Jessica Rionero in a big house( wait didn't we just do that?),still kick ass, storm Omaha Beach with Andrew Bellware anD Maduka Steady, kiss a true love in a rainstorm after professing my love, fight a brother in law over a dowry while a bunch of Irishmen cheer me on, team up with Montserrat Mendez to rally the Arabs in revolt against the Turks, go into business with John Dillon, Chris Pope and  John Czop as paranormal investigators and fall for one of my clients who'll get turned into a ghost by a babaloyonian god, kickass, win a true love back through an Indian game show, get into a violent chariot race with the man who double crossed me and sent me to the gallows, put a true love on a floating door after our boat sinks and tell her never to let go, tell kids at a Canadian summer camp it just doesn't matter, help my grandpa tony fight HMong gangs in detroit, go on a road trip of feminine self discovery with Genevieve Jenner and Kitty Gibson Angela DeManti then drive off the cliff at the end while being Persaud by the Feds, shoot  Solozzo and McClusky, be a mentor to a rookie pitcher with a million dollar arm but a ten cent brain while seducing a local hottie, help Jesse Martinez save the princess and blow up the Death Star, celebrate Independence Day by destroying an alien invasion fleet with John Cain, and then I think I'll take a computer class. 
But thank you all for being a part of these past 30 fucked up years that have been to quote my high school principle after she saw my performance in the apple tree "different".
It's important to surround yourself with people in life who aren't assholes and boost you up on every level. And all of you have done that in some way throughout my life and from the bottom of my heart I thank you....except you hitler and Shia LaBuff  your just a dick.

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